[midPoint] Value of attribute '_NAME_'must be a single value, but it has nullvalues

Gus Lou gugalou38 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 19 14:39:54 CEST 2020

Hi Ivan

*Great news!!!*

I removed the <tolerant> false </tolerant> option from each field in Schema
Handling and now the import and update of the data from the CSV file is
going smoothly.
I'm ashamed to have made that mistake. I wanted to follow the wizard to
understand each step of the configuration and ended up making mistakes.
Anyway thank you very much for the guidelines.

Best Regards


Em sex., 19 de jun. de 2020 às 05:37, Ivan Noris <ivan.noris at evolveum.com>

> Hi Gus,
> please don't use <tolerant>false</tolerant>.
> This means that midpoint does not tolerate values of the (resource)
> attribute other than given by midpoint.
> But this is inbound connector, so midpoint does not put any values to the
> resource attribute at all.
> That means, midpoint attempts to clear the values.
> That's why tolerant set to false for inbound connectors is not useful.
> This is not the first time I see this issue, so two questions:
> 1. are you using wizard? I assume yes
> 2. was the tolerant implicitly set to false by wizard or did you set that
> to false by yourself?
> Thanks.
> Best rehards,
> Ivan
> On 19. 6. 2020 3:42, Gus Lou wrote:
> I'm doing a proof of concept with Midpoint 4.1
> I configured a resource with a CSV connector (I tested versions 2.3 and
> 2.4 of the connectors)
> My CSV file has the following fields:
> login (linked to midpoint field name)
> func_num_cpf (linked to midpoint employeeNumber) it is Unique attribute
> name
> Whenever I add or modify a record in my csv file, I get the following
> error when executing the task:
> *Value of attribute '_NAME_'must be a single value, but it has nullvalues*
> I have already remade the settings, I searched the forum for something
> similar, but I didn't find it. I know the error message is very clear,
> but I don't know what else to do.
> I attached my resource settings and csv file if anyone can help. I
> appreciate any help
> Best Regards
> Gus
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> Ivan Noris
> Senior Identity Engineerevolveum.com
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