[midPoint] Value of attribute '_NAME_'must be a single value, but it has nullvalues

Gus Lou gugalou38 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 19 14:11:22 CEST 2020

Hi Ivan

My answers:

1. are you using wizard?

Yes I used the wizard, but I imported the resource (
to compare the settings. I don't think I left the identical settings

2. was the tolerant implicitly set to false by wizard or did you set that
to false by yourself?

Honestly I don't know, sorry.

I will review the points mentioned by you.
Thank you very much for the support, I didn't know what to do.

Thanks a lot


Em sex., 19 de jun. de 2020 às 05:37, Ivan Noris <ivan.noris at evolveum.com>

> Hi Gus,
> please don't use <tolerant>false</tolerant>.
> This means that midpoint does not tolerate values of the (resource)
> attribute other than given by midpoint.
> But this is inbound connector, so midpoint does not put any values to the
> resource attribute at all.
> That means, midpoint attempts to clear the values.
> That's why tolerant set to false for inbound connectors is not useful.
> This is not the first time I see this issue, so two questions:
> 1. are you using wizard? I assume yes
> 2. was the tolerant implicitly set to false by wizard or did you set that
> to false by yourself?
> Thanks.
> Best rehards,
> Ivan
> On 19. 6. 2020 3:42, Gus Lou wrote:
> I'm doing a proof of concept with Midpoint 4.1
> I configured a resource with a CSV connector (I tested versions 2.3 and
> 2.4 of the connectors)
> My CSV file has the following fields:
> login (linked to midpoint field name)
> func_num_cpf (linked to midpoint employeeNumber) it is Unique attribute
> name
> Whenever I add or modify a record in my csv file, I get the following
> error when executing the task:
> *Value of attribute '_NAME_'must be a single value, but it has nullvalues*
> I have already remade the settings, I searched the forum for something
> similar, but I didn't find it. I know the error message is very clear,
> but I don't know what else to do.
> I attached my resource settings and csv file if anyone can help. I
> appreciate any help
> Best Regards
> Gus
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> Ivan Noris
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