[midPoint] Ellucian Banner

Petr Gašparík - AMI Praha a.s. petr.gasparik at ami.cz
Mon Jul 22 09:16:53 CEST 2019

here is the list of known connectors and their state:


s pozdravem

*Petr Gašparík*
solution architect

gsm: [+420] 603 523 860
e‑mail: petr.gasparik at ami.cz

*AMI Praha a.s.*
Pláničkova 11, 162 00 Praha 6

tel.: [+420] 274 783 239 | web: www.ami.cz

[image: AMI Praha a.s.]

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pá 19. 7. 2019 v 18:38 odesílatel Keith LeValley <klevalley2 at davenport.edu>

> Quick question and feel free to contact me directly for follow-up.
> Has a driver for Midpoint to Ellucian Banner been created yet?  I know a
> working group with Internet2 and the TIER program was setup and I have read
> much of the notes from that group, but I wasn't sure where that left off or
> if this is still being worked on.  I am not sure if anyone from the
> original working group would be able to provide a good answer?  Ideally if
> a driver has been or is being worked on that would integrate with Ethos
> that would be ideal (or whatever the new integration tool is if Ethos is no
> longer a thing).
> --
> Keith LeValley
> Identity Services Architect, Davenport University
> klevalley2 at davenport.edu
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