[midPoint] 404 error

Pálos Gustáv gustav.palos at evolveum.com
Thu May 17 05:34:59 CEST 2018

Hi Luke,

please follow the manual:
and also see your midpoint log file ( idm.log  ) for details.
For better answer, community need your midPoint, SQL server version and
details from log file.

Best regards,


2018-05-16 21:05 GMT+02:00 Luke Novak <lnovak at oaisd.org>:

> Hey All,
> I get this error when I try to build a Midpoint server connecting to a
> Microsoft SQLServer as the Database repository.  Any help would be great.
> I have attached the error and the config xml.  Is there a different file I
> need to modify as well.  Doesn't something else need to go into the
> Catalina.sh file.  Could it be where I am putting the JDBC Driver?
> Thanks all.
> Luke
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Gustáv Pálos
Identity Engineer
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