[midPoint] Get all properties in connector on every update(not just changed properties)

Radovan Semancik radovan.semancik at evolveum.com
Mon Oct 2 09:58:55 CEST 2017


Perhaps the best way is to implement this behaviour in the connector. 
This obviously needs read-change-write cycle. MidPoint can 
(theoreticlaly) do that. But as there are absolutely no consistency 
guarantees in ConnId API then this may be a risk to resource data 
consistency. If it is implemented in the connector then the connector 
may use any resource-specific consistency mechanisms available.

Please note that midPoint does not have this read-change-write mechanism 
implemented yet. Not for a complete account anyway. We have not yet 
encoutered any resource that required it. However, there are few 
resources that can only replace attribute values (cannot add or delete 
them). Therefore there is a read-and-replace mode that can be turned on 
for individual attributes. But that won't help you if you need all 
account attributes on update. Of course, we could implement this feature 
in midPoint if there is a funding for that. But  I think that 
modification of the connector is the way to go.

Radovan Semancik
Software Architect

On 09/29/2017 04:21 PM, Tomáš Mráz - AMI Praha a.s. wrote:
> Hi,
> We are facing integration Midpoint with service which need all 
> properties for update request(just one direction sync(out: 
> Midpoint->service)). So We tried set schema handling(strong etc.) to 
> get all account properties to connector on update(not just changed 
> properties). Without success.
> I found "optimistic locking" but there is a lot of "TODO" places in 
> wiki. So I please for some informations. Is that what I need?
> Can I make some settings in Midpoint (schema handling?) and get in 
> connector all properties on every update?
> I read about problem with consistency. I read "sending changes is good 
> way". But it looks like I simply need just all properties for update 
> request, nothing more and everything will be fine.
> Thank You for advice.
> Tomas Mraz
> AMI Praha a.s.
> Prague
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