[midPoint] Accidently deleted administrator from GUI

Oskar Butovič - AMI Praha a.s. oskar.butovic at ami.cz
Thu Sep 29 11:58:53 CEST 2016

Helo Bolat,

We recently did the same mistake. But thanks to the administrator being in
initial objects, simple restart of midpoint was all that was needed.

I suggest that you delete all records you created in database when trying
to restore administrator, restart midpoint and then you should have new
administrator with oid 000..0002 and default password.

Hope it helps.

Best Regards

2016-09-29 11:43 GMT+02:00 Болат Казыбаев <B.kazybayev at ktg.kz>:

> I solved the issue. Thank you Pavol Mederly, you are rock! J
> *From:* Болат Казыбаев
> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 28, 2016 10:19 AM
> *To:* 'midpoint at lists.evolveum.com' <midpoint at lists.evolveum.com>
> *Subject:* Accidently deleted administrator from GUI
> Hi there,
> I accidently deleted administrator from GUI and can't to log in. Our
> midpoint’s database is postgresql. I created a user in postgresql table by
> getting data from another instance. Records were created in m_user,
> m_object, m_focus tables. Where should I create a password in order to log
> in to midpoint? Why don't you prohibit deleting administrator from GUI?
> It's a common situation and I think you have to protect it.
> When I try to log in I getting this error: WARN
> (com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.security.UserProfileServiceImpl): Error
> getting user with name 'administrator', reason: Full object xml must not be
> null..
> com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.SystemException: Full object xml
> must not be null.
> I tried to browse the midpoint sourcecode here:
> https://github.com/Evolveum/midpoint/blob/edca60e6456e9fb5e9920d3215c0ec
> e0e43ecf26/model/model-impl/src/main/java/com/evolveum/
> midpoint/model/impl/security/UserProfileServiceImpl.java but I did not
> understand. Any ideas how to solve the problem?
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Oskar Butovič
solution architect

gsm: [+420] 774 480 101
e-mail: oskar.butovic at ami.cz

AMI Praha a.s.
Pláničkova 11
162 00 Praha 6
tel.: [+420] 274 783 239
web: www.ami.cz

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