[midPoint] Can't import resource definition with file upload on CentOS7

Pavol Mederly mederly at evolveum.com
Thu Mar 17 16:01:32 CET 2016

Hello Andy,

You're welcome. :) I'm glad it works now.

We'll improve the exception to report the conflict in a better way. And 
maybe add a note to the installation documentation, because you're not 
the first one that got into the situation where standard schemas 
happened to be in <home>/schema folder.

Best regards,

On 17.03.2016 15:53, Andreas Küstner wrote:
> Hello Pavol,
> no i haven't create a custom schema.
> But wait!
> Uhh, my fault!
> To save me a little time with the midpoint installation i moved the
> unzipped midpoint-3.3 folder to /opt/midpoint and declared it to
> midpoint.home -> outch. So the folder with the schemas were already there.
> If i create a blank midpoint home folder every thing is fine.
> Mark for my self: "don't define the unzipped midpoint folder as
> midpoint.home.
> Thanks a lot for the hint!
> Best regards
> Andy
> Am 17.03.2016 um 12:02 schrieb Pavol Mederly:
>> Andy,
>> as this is really weird, we are thinking how it could happen. One
>> possible explanation is that you've created a custom schema with
>> ConnectorType defined.
>> Do you have anything in your *{midpoint.home}/schema* directory? If so,
>> what?
>> Best regards,
>> Pavol
>> On 17.03.2016 11:46, Pavol Mederly wrote:
>>> Hello Andy,
>>> this is quite strange indeed. As an immediate workaround, I would
>>> recommend specifying namespace (i.e. "c:" with appropriately defined
>>> xmlns:c) for the particular ConnectorType element.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Pavol
>>> On 17.03.2016 11:34, Andreas Küstner wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> i ran into a strange behaviour with midpoint.
>>>> I have following System:
>>>> Server:
>>>> Virtual machine with CentOS 7
>>>> Java Version from CentOS 7 -> OpenJDK 1.8.0_45 - also testeted with
>>>> Version 1.7.0_79
>>>> 2 GB RAM / 70 GB HDD
>>>> Tomcat Version 7 from CentOS repository, installed with 'yum install tomcat'
>>>> and Tomcat downloaded from tomcat.apache.org -> Version 7.0.68
>>>> Client:
>>>> System Windows 7
>>>> Firefox 43.0.4
>>>> Java Version 1.8.0_72
>>>> The Error:
>>>> If i try to import a resource via Resources (file upload)
>>>> Midpoint-> Resources -> Import resource definition
>>>> i get this error:
>>>> "1 errors, 0 passed - Importfile (Gui) -"
>>>> " Param: options:
>>>> com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.api_types_3.ImportOptionsType at 3386c7fd[overwrite=false,keepOid=false,stopAfterErrors=<null>,summarizeSucceses=true,summarizeErrors=true,referentialIntegrity=false,validateStaticSchema=false,validateDynamicSchema=false,encryptProtectedValues=true,fetchResourceSchema=false,keepMetadata=<null>]
>>>> "
>>>> "Import object"
>>>> "Ambiguous type name: ConnectorType"
>>>> Stack trace is attached in this email.
>>>> If i run this on my local testsystem on my machine (Archlinux)
>>>> everything is fine.
>>>> Have anyone an explanation, have i missed something on the CentOS7
>>>> installation?
>>>> Thanks for help!
>>>> Greetings
>>>> Andy
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