[midPoint] Question about syncing situation

Aivo Kuhlberg aivo.kuhlberg at rmit.ee
Tue Jun 7 10:10:18 CEST 2016


I have question about one syncing situation. I import users from CSV-file and use Exchange connector to sync both AD/Exchange user accounts and groups (as roles). I am testing following situation:

  1.  I create a new group "testgroup" in AD
  2.  I run reconciliation of AD groups and I see that new midPoint role "testgroup" is created from AD group.
  3.  Now I assign this newly created role to midPoint user "testuser". I see that the same AD user account is now group member of testgroup in AD.
  4.  Now I delete in AD group testgroup. This should be OK as midPoint is able to restore deleted AD group and its members.
  5.  After that I do import of users from CSV file. I understand this is unusual situation and I probably should have done before that reconciliation of AD groups and users but I just wanted to see what happens. What happens is that after CSV file import AD group is restored in AD but AD user is not member of this group. Another thing what happens is that I see following error:

2016-06-06 15:04:01,881 [RESOURCE_OBJECT_CHANGE_LISTENER] [midPointScheduler_Worker-7] ERROR (com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.lens.ChangeExecutor): Error executing changes for (entitlement (group) on resource:c2c5a39d-44ca-4b84-8cba-82e906cf3564(Exchange)): Couldn't add object. Object already exists: Object already exists on the resource: org.identityconnectors.framework.common.exceptions.AlreadyExistsException(The object already exists.??: when creating LDAP://server.my.domain/CN=testgroup,OU=Service1,OU=Services,OU=TEST2,DC=my,DC=domain)->org.identityconnectors.framework.impl.api.remote.RemoteWrappedException(The object already exists.??: when creating LDAP://server.my.domain/CN=testgroup,OU=Service1,OU=Services,OU=TEST2,DC=my,DC=domain)

When I look at the shadow information of testgroup and testuser then I see that they have now following attributes:
For testgroup:

and for testuser:

I have to fix this situation by deleting manually testgroup and testuser shadows and do reconciliation of AD groups and users.

Has anybody tested that situation and should midPoint 3.3.1 be able to resolve that situation automatically or is it too complex situation and I just have to avoid it by doing AD groups and users reconciliation every time before importing users fom CSV file?

Aivo Kuhlberg

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