[midPoint] - How to connect file server (Linux+Samba+LDAP+smbldaptools)?

Radovan Semancik radovan.semancik at evolveum.com
Thu Dec 22 11:28:55 CET 2016


I think you already know the answer: there is no good way how to do this 
now. However, there are two options for future midPoint development:

1) Add ssh scripting support to the LDAP connector. This should be quite 
simple. And there is a precedent for this. The LDAP-based AD connector 
(which is in the same bundle) already has powershell scripting support. 
This is quite easy and very practical solution. Yet the application is 
somehow limited.

2) Implement a way how to use scripting methods from one resource in 
another resource. The ConnId script execution operations are not bound 
to any account or provisioning operation. So this is theoretically 
possible. However, midPoint was designed with good interface design and 
encapsulation in mind and this is currently not directly possible. 
However it can be added if needed - and it would still be quite clean. 
This would be nice and generic feature. E.g. it could be used to combine 
CSV connector with ssh scripts (from Unix connector) to copy the file 
from remote server - and this could do a lot of interesting tricks.

As usual, these are the options: 

We are now preparing development plan for midPoint 3.6. It looks like 
there will be a lot of sponsored features and the development team will 
be very busy. But some sponsoring is still not confirmed so there may 
still be some place in the plan. First come, first serve.

Radovan Semancik
Software Architect

On 12/21/2016 02:12 PM, Wojciech Staszewski wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm thinking how to connect my file server to Midpoint for accounts/groups management. It's Linux with OpenLDAP and Samba and smbldaptools...
> LDAP connector? I don't think so, because every created user gets homedir on Samba, it must be created on filesystem.
> Unix connector? This is not a solution as well. Managing accounts is done by smbldaptools (smbldap-useradd, smbldap-passwd, smbldap-usermod, smbldap-groupadd and so...), not by default Linux commands.
> Maybe Commandline scripted connector?
> Anyone has some experience with this and got some hints for me?
> Thanks, regards,
> WS
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