[midPoint] - How to connect file server (Linux+Samba+LDAP+smbldaptools)?

Ivan Noris ivan.noris at evolveum.com
Wed Dec 21 18:01:26 CET 2016

Hi Wojciech,

maybe the Command scripted connector, but it's very "simple" connector.
I may have real production skills for this in a few weeks (the customer
delayed one of the resource where this connector will be used).

I have not worked with Samba for years, but isn't there a possibility to
auto-create the homedirs after the LDAP record is created or when user
tries to login/map the drive or something like that?



On 12/21/2016 02:12 PM, Wojciech Staszewski wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm thinking how to connect my file server to Midpoint for accounts/groups management. It's Linux with OpenLDAP and Samba and smbldaptools...
> LDAP connector? I don't think so, because every created user gets homedir on Samba, it must be created on filesystem.
> Unix connector? This is not a solution as well. Managing accounts is done by smbldaptools (smbldap-useradd, smbldap-passwd, smbldap-usermod, smbldap-groupadd and so...), not by default Linux commands.
> Maybe Commandline scripted connector?
> Anyone has some experience with this and got some hints for me?
> Thanks, regards,
> WS
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Ivan Noris
Senior Identity Engineer

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