[midPoint] Discovering Custom objectClasses

Mencel, Matt mr-mencel at wiu.edu
Fri Aug 19 16:26:49 CEST 2016

OK I think I'm starting to figure this out.  I used the 389DS example and
that helped get me started.  A couple additional questions....

I have multiple LDAP objectclasses that contain all the attributes that
make up a person's identity.  I've associated multiple OCs with the same
kind/intent in midpoint and am getting a warning in the UI.

> There are multiple schema handling definitions for kind/intent:
> ACCOUNT/person.

Should I be doing this another way?

Also, I'm getting this informational message in the UI.  I am using an
Intent called "person".  Am I missing something here?

Suspicious source for outbound mapping for 'ri:cn' in schema handling for
> 'Default Account (kind: ACCOUNT, intent: person)': Couldn't verify item
> path 'fullName' because specific focus type (user, role, org, ...) is not
> defined for kind=ACCOUNT, indent=person

On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 2:31 PM, Mencel, Matt <mr-mencel at wiu.edu> wrote:

> So in my LDAP directory I have a bunch of custom objectclasses unique to
> my institution.  When I start to create a new LDAP resource, I get stuck at
> the Schema and Schema Handling screens.  I'm not sure how to get Midpoint
> to discover my custom objectclasses.  Do I need to add a custom schema
> extension XSD to the schema directory?
> Also, is there an easy way to search the mailing list archives?  I just
> don't want to keep asking questions that may already be answered in another
> thread.
> Thanks,
> Matt
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