[midPoint] Discovering Custom objectClasses

Radovan Semancik radovan.semancik at evolveum.com
Fri Aug 19 16:54:48 CEST 2016


On 08/19/2016 04:26 PM, Mencel, Matt wrote:
> I have multiple LDAP objectclasses that contain all the attributes 
> that make up a person's identity.  I've associated multiple OCs with 
> the same kind/intent in midpoint and am getting a warning in the UI.
>     There are multiple schema handling definitions for kind/intent:
>     ACCOUNT/person.
> Should I be doing this another way?

Yes. Just one of the objectclasses is structural (primary). Other object 
classes are auxiliary. MidPoint fully supports auxiliary object classes, 
but you need to use a slightly different approach. Use something like this:

			<displayName>Normal Account</displayName>

Radovan Semancik
Software Architect

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