[midPoint] RE : RE : RE : RE : Namespace problem

Radovan Semancik radovan.semancik at evolveum.com
Mon Sep 30 15:05:53 CEST 2013

On 09/27/2013 11:05 PM, Belleville-Rioux, Vincent wrote:
> I found the TimeFrom and TimeTo configuration options and I am 
> experimenting a NullPointerException with those...

The time-based mapping constraints were a last-moment addition to 
version 2.2. It was based on a request from one of our partners that 
went late in our development cycle. But because it was so important we 
have added it in the roadmap. However as it was a last-minute change and 
it was only required to support this for activation mappings the 
implementation was really done and tested only for this type of 
mappings. I would be really surprised it it worked in the object 
template. However I can explore how much work is needed to make it work 
even for object template:


Please watch this jira issue to see how it goes. Also please note that 
even though I have optimistically set fix version to 2.2.1 I do not 
promise that it can fit into this release. I have to explore it first. I 
will have time for that in next few days.


                                            Radovan Semancik
                                           Software Architect

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