[Midpoint-dev] User Validation for midpoint user( using userName and password)

Pavol Mederly pavol.mederly at gmail.com
Fri Nov 7 13:35:54 CET 2014

Hello Bidhubhusan,

actually, why do you want to validate a user via SOAP?

If you want it for testing purposes only, it's OK.
But if you want to authenticate users in this way in the production, 
this is definitely a wrong approach. See 


On 7. 11. 2014 12:26, Bidhubhusan Rout wrote:
> Hi Pavol,
> I am working on changing the password for the midpoint 
> user(midpoint-3.0/3.1), useing the  M*ain.java* (   
> midpoint-master\samples\model-client-sample\src\main\java\com\evolveum\midpoint\testing\model\client\sample\main.java) 
> for that one. but We cann't *validate*the *user *with (user 
> *name*and*Password*).
> Specially the Password validation.
> Please let us know how can I validate the user(using *userName and 
> Password*).
> Regards
> Bidhubhusan
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