[midPoint] Reset DefaultSecurityPolicy

Fabian Noll-Dukiewicz fabian.noll-dukiewicz at veryfy.gmbh
Wed Mar 20 09:18:15 CET 2024

Hi Michal,

you can try the following:

  *   Connect to you database (I think it is Postgres)
  *   Run the following command to select the object from database, encode it and save it to a text file

\copy (select encode(fullobject, 'escape') from m_object where oid = '<oid from security policy>') to file.txt

  *   Do some changes in the file
  *   Import it to your database using the following command

Update m_object set fullobject = convert_to('<changed xml object>', 'LATIN1') where oid = '<oid of security policy>';

This worked for me in midpoint 4.2. In my case I had locked out the administrator because of an expired password.

Much success and please let us know if it worked for you.

Kind regards,

Fabian Noll-Dukiewicz
Spezialist Identity & Access Management | Geschäftsführer
Tel.: +49 152 244 63 211
Email: fabian.noll-dukiewicz at veryfy.gmbh
Web: https://veryfy.gmbh

Von: midPoint <midpoint-bounces at lists.evolveum.com> im Auftrag von Michal Sakac via midPoint <midpoint at lists.evolveum.com>
Datum: Dienstag, 19. März 2024 um 15:40
An: midPoint General Discussion <midpoint at lists.evolveum.com>
Cc: Michal Sakac <seky at civ.zcu.cz>
Betreff: [midPoint] Reset DefaultSecurityPolicy
Hi i have problem I misconfigured default security policy on my midpoint. Now I can’t login or use rest call. Can anyone help me how to factory reset default security policy ?


Regards Michal Sakáč

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