[midPoint] Check for existence of focus user password in an objectTemplate

Pascal PÉRICHON pascal.perichon at u-paris.fr
Wed Oct 18 19:17:40 CEST 2023


What do you mean exactly by "checking for a focus user password"? 
Something like that :

check if a password exists :

     if (focus?.credentials?.password?.value != null) { return true }

check if the first password was create using the creation timestamp :

     if (focus?.credentials?.password?.metadata?.createTimestamp != 
null) ....

check if the password was modified at least one time using the last 
modification timestamp :

     if (focus?.credentials?.password?.metadata?.modifyTimestamp != 
null) ...

(the interrogation points are very important to secure the code)

best regards
Université Paris Cité

Le 18/10/2023 à 18:07, Drew Roberts via midPoint a écrit :
> Hey all, does anyone have any ideas/experience checking for a focus 
> user password in an objectTemplate? I basically just want to do 
> something like:
> <path>$focus/credentials/password</path>
> ...
> <code> if (password) { return true } </code>
> I'm planning to use that as a condition for a specific inducement.
> Thanks for any help you can provide!
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