[midPoint] Midpoint Security Question

Matthew Mize mmize1 at udayton.edu
Fri Sep 30 19:27:45 CEST 2022

Hello everyone,

As we are working through our Midpoint rollout, we've started discussing
how best to allow our end users to self-manage their passwords. One of our
options is to allow end users login access to Midpoint itself, where they
would use the UI to keep their passwords up to date. However, we try to be
a very security conscious organization and, because of the sensitive data
that could be exposed if a malicious actor were to gain access to the admin
side of Midpoint, would typically want to place the Midpoint administrator
UI in a protected zone in our network.

We're wondering what, if anything, other institutions have done. Do you
allow your end users login access directly to Midpoint? If so, what steps
do you take to keep end-user access and administrator access separate? If
you do not have end users manage their passwords in Midpoint, what
product(s) do you recommend?

Thanks much!

Matt Mize, (he, him, his)
Director, Software Engineering & Web Engineering
mmize1 at udayton.edu
[image: A button with "Hear my name" text for name playback in email
signature] <https://www.name-coach.com/matt-mize>
IT Service Center, (937) 229-3888, itservicecenter at udayton.edu

University of Dayton
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