[midPoint] Compile Error on connector-ldap v3.4

Rene Zeipelt zeipelt at uni-wuppertal.de
Thu Oct 13 11:26:12 CEST 2022

Am 11.10.22 um 13:25 schrieb Rene Zeipelt via midPoint:
> Hello, for testing hash tags with openldap pw-sha2 module I compile my 
> git clone (with v3.4 tag) and got
> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project connector-ldap: Could not 
> resolve dependencies for project 
> com.evolveum.polygon:connector-ldap:jar:3.4: Failed to collect 
> dependencies at org.apache.directory.api:api-all:jar:2.1.0e3: Failed 
> to read artifact descriptor for 
> org.apache.directory.api:api-all:jar:2.1.0e3: Failure to find 
> org.apache.directory.project:project:pom:46-SNAPSHOT in 
> https://nexus.evolveum.com/nexus/content/groups/public/ was cached in 
> the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the 
> update interval of evolveum has elapsed or updates are forced
> So version 3.6-snapshot have no compiling errors but the provisioning 
> framework version is different and jar file would not loaded to 
> midpoint by the icf-connectors dir. Running a midpoint 4.5 with native 
> postgresql (13) on tomcat (9) deployment. Thank you for any hint or help.
> Best regards
> Rene Zeipelt
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Hello, I got error free compiling on v.3.3.1 of connector-ldap jar and 
add the algorithm name SSHA512 to hashBytes function on the 
schema/AbstractSchemaTranslator.java. The function build the hash tag 
from alg name to {SSHA-512} and this does not work on openldap pw-sha2 
module. But with the algorithm name equal to hash tag it build the right 
tag {SSHA512} and it works on ldap bind.
Best regards
Rene Zeipelt


Zentrum fuer Informations- und Medienverarbeitung - ZIM

Gaussstr. 20
DEU-42119 Wuppertal


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