[midPoint] Writing a query using the ouput of an other query.

Tony Tkacik tony.tkacik at evolveum.com
Wed Jun 8 11:40:56 CEST 2022

Hi Sebastien, 
In your case since you use orgRef with scope ONE_LEVEL, this could be easily rewritten to ref filter with dereference (aka "JOIN", see for [ https://docs.evolveum.com/midpoint/reference/concepts/query/query-api/#special-symbols-in-item-paths | https://docs.evolveum.com/midpoint/reference/concepts/query/query-api/#special-symbols-in-item-paths ] ). 

The filter you are looking for is following: 

Object Type: UserType 
<value oid="o id of the meta role " /> 

Notice the path and @ symbol, in this case this means we are looking into parentOrgRef, the @ symbol represents dereference (aka use values from ref target) and now we can use roleMembershipRef in ref filter. 
This filter is translated into following hibernate query in Query Playground: 

select u.oid, u.fullObject from RUser u 
left join u.parentOrgRef p 
left join p.target t 
left join t.roleMembershipRef r 
r.targetOid = :targetOid and 
r.relation in (:relation) 

I tested this filter on 4.0.4 and it works that it selects all users in organization units, which has assigned meta role. 
Hope this helps. 

Anton Tkacik 

From: "midPoint General Discussion" <midpoint at lists.evolveum.com> 
To: "midPoint General Discussion" <midpoint at lists.evolveum.com> 
Cc: "Sébastien MARBRIER" <smarbrier at positivethinking.tech> 
Sent: Tuesday, June 7, 2022 5:07:20 PM 
Subject: [midPoint] Writing a query using the ouput of an other query. 

Hello dear midpoint users. 

I need to list the users which are a members of organizations which are member of a given metarole. 

I can get the list of the organizations using this simple query in the query playground: 

Object type : OrgType 





<value oid="oid of the meta role/> 




I can also get of the users of such an organization using this other simple query: 

Object Type : UserType 


<oid>oid of an organization</oid> 

However I am clueless how it is possible to mixing those two queries to automate the listing process. 

Doing this by hand is a bit too tedious because there too many organizations. 

Alternative suggestions are welcome. 

I am using a 4.0.1 version of midpoint. 

Best regards, 

[ https://www.positivethinking.tech/ ] 	


Sébastien Marbrier | Senior IT Consultant 
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Tel. +41 21 601 81 00 

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