[midPoint] OpenLDAP Midpoint Schema

Ivan Noris ivan.noris at evolveum.com
Mon Feb 21 13:27:47 CET 2022

Hi Luca,

I think you are on a good track. It really seems that midpoint does not 
see the object class.

To avoid the simple mistakes:

I assume that openldap is configured correctly. (And that you can create 
account there without midPoint using inetOrgPerson + midPointPerson.)

I assume that you did upload + test the resource (test resource will 
fetch schema from OpenLDAP).

(I was tempted to ask you to add ri: prefix to your midPointPerson 
auxiliary object class.)

Are you perhaps using something like this?

*        </generationConstraints>

(Please make sure that if you use generationConstraints, you are 
mentioning the auxiliary object classes there too).

I'm out of other ideas for now :)

Best regards,


On 21. 2. 2022 13:21, Luca Verardo wrote:
> Hello Ivan,
> Yes, I have read this chapter and tried to implement it in the same way :
> <kind>account</kind> <intent>default</intent> <displayName>Default 
> Account</displayName> <default>true</default> 
> <objectClass>ri:inetOrgPerson</objectClass> 
> <auxiliaryObjectClass>midPointPerson</auxiliaryObjectClass>
> However, MidPoint seems to not like it very much, and throws the 
> following error :
> Auxiliary object class midPointPerson specified in 
> rOCD+(ACCOUNT:default={.../resource/instance-3}inetOrgPerson) does not 
> exist
> I think I might need to inform midPoint about the schema, but I’m not 
> sure how to do it, and if it is the correct mitigation step about this 
> issue.
> Best regards,
> Luca Verardo
>> Le 21 févr. 2022 à 13:00, Ivan Noris via midPoint 
>> <midpoint at lists.evolveum.com> a écrit :
>> Hi Luca,
>> you are right, it's auxiliary object class. I was trying to find 
>> existing example, but I found nothing.
>> Unless anyone else from the community has a working ready-to-share 
>> example, some bits and pieces:
>> 1. please see 
>> https://docs.evolveum.com/midpoint/reference/resources/auxiliary-object-classes/ 
>> for auxiliary object class configuration. If all your accounts should 
>> have the auxiliary object class, the first chapter Static Use of 
>> Auxiliary Object Classes should be what you need
>> 2. Unix Story Test at 
>> https://docs.evolveum.com/midpoint/reference/samples/story-tests/unix/ 
>> could be also useful for configuration example (even it's a different 
>> scenario and different auxiliary object class)
>> 3. if you can see the midpointActivationStatus attribute in your 
>> resource, you will probably need something like this in your LDAP 
>> resource XML (based on the documentation I see that 
>> midpointActivationStatus should be string):
>>     <capabilities 
>> xmlns:cap="http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/resource/capabilities-3">
>>         <configured>
>>             <cap:activation>
>>                 <cap:status>
>> <cap:attribute>ri:midpointActivationStatus</cap:attribute>
>> <cap:enableValue>enabled</cap:enableValue>
>> <cap:disableValue>disabled</cap:disableValue>
>>                 </cap:status>
>>             </cap:activation>
>>         </configured>
>>     </capabilities>
>> and an ordinary outbound activation/administrativeStatus mapping in 
>> the resource.
>> Unfortunately I do not have the environment prepared to really test this.
>> Best regards & happy testing,
>> Ivan
>> On 21. 2. 2022 11:59, Luca Verardo wrote:
>>> Hello Ivan,
>>> Thank you.
>>> I added successfully the midPointPerson schema. However, I cannot 
>>> get the Auxiliary Object classes to work. If I understood correctly, 
>>> to be able to use midPointActivationStatus, an LDAP user needs to 
>>> have inetOrgPerson + midPointPerson.
>>> Can you share an example on how to instruct MidPoint to add this 
>>> object class to newly created users ?
>>> Thanks a lot in advance.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Luca Verardo
>>>> Le 17 févr. 2022 à 09:32, Ivan Noris via midPoint 
>>>> <midpoint at lists.evolveum.com> a écrit :
>>>> Hi Luca,
>>>> please have a look here: 
>>>> https://docs.evolveum.com/connectors/resources/ldap/openldap/structure/
>>>> It is referencing 
>>>> https://github.com/Evolveum/midpoint-samples/tree/master/samples/resources/openldap 
>>>> where you have also LDIF files for OpenLDAP.
>>>> Hope it helps.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Ivan
>>>> On 17. 2. 2022 8:53, Luca Verardo via midPoint wrote:
>>>>> Dear community,
>>>>> Is there any up to date documentation explaining how to add and 
>>>>> use the OpenLDAP midPoint schema ? The one that allows the 
>>>>> midPointAccountStatus (disabled or enabled) for example.
>>>>> Thanks a lot in advance.
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Luca
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>>>> -- 
>>>> Ivan Noris
>>>> Senior Identity Engineer
>>>> evolveum.com  <http://evolveum.com/>
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>> -- 
>> Ivan Noris
>> Senior Identity Engineer
>> evolveum.com  <http://evolveum.com>
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Ivan Noris
Senior Identity Engineer
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