[midPoint] SSH connector on Midpoint version 4.0.3

Paulo Fernandes de Souza Junior PFSJ at senado.leg.br
Tue May 25 14:46:55 CEST 2021

Hi all,

Is someone using the ssh connector to run powershell scripts in midpoint 4.0.3?

I'm using the ADLAP connector version 3.0 and configured the SSH as an additional connector but whenever I save some change that invokes a powershell script, I get the following error:

Operation 'interface org.identityconnectors.framework.api.operations.ScriptOnResourceApiOp' not supported.

Then, if I reconcile the user the changes are executed without problem.

In another installation with Midpoint 4.1 this error does not occurs.

Thanks for any hint,

Paulo Fernandes de Souza JĂșnior
Senado Federal - PRODASEN
Fone: 61 3303.3924

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