[midPoint] Using clustering on Kubernetes and the function of the intra-cluster URL

Bickel, David jdbickel at iu.edu
Wed Aug 11 22:03:25 CEST 2021

Our team is working on setting up a clustered Midpoint at Indiana University.  This mostly seems to work through the database and node naming setup in config.xml.  However we are struggling to get properly setup intra-cluster communication URL inside Kubernetes.  Have others dealt with this issue and might have any pointers for us on what that URL is used for in coordinating tasks when Midpoint is clustered?   


Also, if anyone has any sizing recommendations as well for a Kubernetes deployment that would be appreciated as well.  The sizing documentation seems to only go to 100K users and recommends 16 cores and 16 Gig of memory.  Granted it doesn’t denote what sizing should be used if distributing that load out by clustering the deployment.


Many Thanks,




J. David Bickel

Identity Management Systems

Indiana University

(812) 855-6346

jdbickel at iu.edu





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