[midPoint] Blog: MidPoint Studio 4.3

Radovan Semancik radovan.semancik at evolveum.com
Thu Apr 22 15:14:30 CEST 2021

Dear midPoint community,

MidPoint Studio 4.3 has been released. It is the first 
officially-supported version of MidPoint Studio 
<https://docs.evolveum.com/midpoint/tools/studio/>, an integrated 
development environment (IDE) for MidPoint.

MidPoint is a comprehensive identity management /platform/. Identity 
management engineers know very well that there are complexities hidden 
around every corner of identity management world. Therefore midPoint has 
to be very flexible and customizable platform. This is one of the most 
obvious benefits of midPoint.
However, it has its cost. Maintenance of midPoint configuration can be 
quite challenging.

That is where MidPoint Studio comes to the rescue. Studio is an 
integrated development environment (IDE), designed to create and 
maintain midPoint configurations.
Studio is built on top of IntelliJ open source platform 
<https://www.jetbrains.com/opensource/idea/>, which is a popular IDE 
platform for software developers. The platform provides features such as 
syntax highlight and code completion almost out of the box.

We have released MidPoint Studio 4.3 
<https://docs.evolveum.com/midpoint/tools/studio/>. This is a second 
stable release of Studio. However, it is the first release that gets 
official support from Evolveum. MidPoint Studio is now official part of 
midPoint subscriptions <https://evolveum.com/services/>. If you are 
midPoint subscriber, we will fix bugs in Studio for you, in pretty much 
the same way as we fix midPoint bugs. Studio is official now, and it is 
here to stay.

We would like to thank everybody that provided feedback on early 
versions of Studio. That was a great motivation to get to this point. 
Even though Studio is now stable and official, we are more than aware 
that there are always some things to improve. Therefore we would still 
like to ask the community for feedback, bugreports and improvement ideas 
for Studio. MidPoint mailing list 
<https://docs.evolveum.com/community/mailing-lists/> is an ideal place 
for the discussions. And of course, we will be more than happy to accept 
any contributions!

Thank you. And godspeed to your fingers, working on your configuration 
in Studio.

(Reposted from Evolveum blog <https://evolveum.com/midpoint-studio-4-3/>)

Radovan Semancik
Software Architect

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