[midPoint] MidPoint 4.2 "Maxwell" released

Radovan Semancik radovan.semancik at evolveum.com
Fri Oct 23 20:43:53 CEST 2020

Dear midPoint community,

Evolveum team is proud to announce the release of midPoint version 4.2.

Release 4.2 is a thirty-third midPoint release code-named /Maxwell/. The 
4.2 release brings new reporting mechanism, updates to auditing 
implementation, continued improvement for authentication and handful of 
other interesting improvements . Most importantly, midPoint 4.2 brings 
experimental updates to the very foundations of midPoint.

For more information about the 4.2 release please see release notes at 

We would like to express a special thanks for all midPoint subscribers, 
partners, supporters and especially the contributors. The Evolveum team 
would like to express many thanks for your interest, feedback and 

Radovan Semancik
Software Architect

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