[midPoint] Problem deprovisioning

Andrea Picconi andrea.picconi at innovery.net
Wed Oct 21 15:43:40 CEST 2020

Hi Petr,

I mean that the field (or fields) must be blank.
With the account still linked, the fields are filled (example here)

[cid:image002.jpg at 01D6A7C0.E58B7650]

but if I unlink the account, I expect midpoint to deprovision and remove the attributes of that account (here the same with what I expect)

[cid:image005.jpg at 01D6A7C0.E58B7650]


From: Petr Gašparík - AMI Praha a.s. <petr.gasparik at ami.cz>
Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2020 3:32 PM
To: midPoint General Discussion <midpoint at lists.evolveum.com>
Cc: Andrea Picconi <andrea.picconi at innovery.net>; Marianna De Biasio <marianna.debiasio at innovery.net>; Jacopo Giuliano <jacopo.giuliano at innovery.net>
Subject: Re: [midPoint] Problem deprovisioning

Please elaborate more on what means "delete attributes" :)


s pozdravem

Petr Gašparík
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st 21. 10. 2020 v 15:24 odesílatel Andrea Picconi via midPoint <midpoint at lists.evolveum.com<mailto:midpoint at lists.evolveum.com>> napsal:

Hello everyone,

I have a problem while unlinking an account from a user: what happens is that the unlink process correctly removes the account inside the Projections tab , but it doesn’t deprovision the attributes that are mapped within that account.

What could cause this unexpected behaviour? And how do i get all these attributes to be deleted from Midpoint ?

Andrea Picconi
IAM (Identity Access Management)
Skype: precons
T:  +39 06 51963439 (int. 196)

Strada Quattro Palazzina A6 c/o Centro Direzionale Milanofiori, 20057 Assago (MI).
www.innovery.net<http://www.innovery.net/> |  T: +39 06 519 63 439

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