[midPoint] Example AMQP / Async resource?

Pavol Mederly mederly at evolveum.com
Fri Mar 27 21:50:31 CET 2020

Hello Richard,

you're right -- Grouper AMQP connector (and any existing AMQP support in 
midPoint as well) is used solely to transfer data from external system 
(Grouper) to midPoint.

When considering the other way (from midPoint to external systems), we 
have no explicit support for messaging now.

As described here 
(https://wiki.evolveum.com/display/midPoint/Messaging+Resources) the 
expected approach would be to implement something similar to manual 
resource connector we have in midPoint now. But it's not quite easy, 
considering you are new to midPoint, as you said.

The preferred option is to contact us to develop this kind of connector 
for you, or the other way is to use a kind of fallback you are thinking 
about. If it's a temporary solution, (before converting all your 
resources to directly interface midPoint), then it could be acceptable. 
I think.

Best regards,

Pavol Mederly
Software developer

On 27/03/2020 21:32, Richard Frovarp wrote:
> Are there any examples or documentation for any sort of async
> provisioning resources? I know that there is the read one for Grouper,
> but I'm also looking for something that could create and update
> accounts. Maybe following the Grouper example I could get that to work,
> I'm just not sure. I am exceptionally new to midPoint. A hint of what
> class to extend would be helpful.
> Our custom engineered IAM solution does all of its work via RabbitMQ.
> Given my current time constraints to get off of that one, I don't see
> it practical that I can switch all of our resources that store accounts
> over to custom resources. I am better off in the short term leveraging
> the existing code that I have, some of which is in Perl, than trying to
> go full into midPoint. That is why I am trying to follow the path of
> AMQP. I think my fallback would be to have midPoint write to a DB, have
> a separate process monitor for updates there, and emit messages. Hoping
> for something a bit more elegant.
> Thanks for any and all suggestions.
> Richard
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