[midPoint] Manual resource (approval process)

Andrey Gogichashvili Andrey.Gogichashvili at veeam.com
Thu Jul 30 11:53:12 CEST 2020

I'm trying to use the Manual Resource with embedded in Midpoint "manual connector" as local storage for the accounts.

My steps:
I set up the Manual Resource with manual connector (xml cfg file in attachment).
Then I create an account in this resource and Midpoint creates a new Case (Cases->All manual cases->new case).
I successfully approve the Case under Administrator user.

But after it I permanently see at this account in Projections->Pending operation->IN progress state!
I can remove this state only if I remove section <pendingOperation> at account shadow (xml config of the shadow is also attached).

Could you please advise to me how can I create the accounts in manual resource without approval process?

Sincerely yours, Andrey Gogichashvili
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