[midPoint] defaultUserTemplateRef

Rod Holman rholman at oaisd.org
Mon Feb 24 16:46:05 CET 2020


Since we upgraded to 4.0 (now 4.0.2) we have not been able to save the defaultUserTemplateRef in the System Configuration Object as explained in the documentation under Object Template/Global User Template.  When we place it after the logging element and click save it appears to save OK, but doesn't do anything.  We're able to save other things, but not that.  We are trying to save the following:

<defaultUserTemplateRef xmlns:tns="http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/common-3" oid="f392e8a6-7b2a-4937-84ca-eca3bc9ee176" relation="org:default" type="tns:ObjectTemplateType">
        <!-- Create Unique Name -->

Has been removed and replaced with something else?



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