[midPoint] Import AD Users and Groups via CSV

Laza, Javier Javier.Laza at ingrammicro.com
Mon Aug 17 12:18:35 CEST 2020

Hello, for certain reasons I cannot use the LDAP/AD connector so I have to import Active Directory accounts (and users) and groups from a CSV. I create this CSV via Powershell script getting the information from the AD. Each row has empty columns depending if the row represents an account or a group.
FYI my CSV headers are: dn;sAMAccountName;cn;sn;objectCategory;givenName;mail;title;employeeID;l;department;telephoneNumber;c;manager;userAccountControl;memberOf;employeeType;description;member
If the row is a user, the memberOf column will contain the list of groups. And if the row is a user, the column member contains the members of the groups

This CSV is going to act as an authoritative resource, so what I want to do:

  *   Create users in Midpoint -> done
  *   Import accounts -> done
  *   Import groups -> I tried to use the GroupObjectClass but couldn't make it work. In this threat (https://lists.evolveum.com/pipermail/midpoint/2016-May/001876.html) it is explained that the CSV connector only supports accounts, is this still working the same way?. At the end I managed to import the groups as an Account of intent group, and then in the synchronization part, import it as RoleType
  *   Create the entitlement/association among each user and its groups -> FAILS

I have created a synchronization sorter that check the objectCategory column to know if the row is a user or a group. So at this point I am able to create the users/accounts and import the groups as roles. Then configured the association as follows, also tried the opposite approach using objectoToSubject
                <c:ref xmlns:ri="http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/resource/instance-3">ri:AccountObjectClass</c:ref>
                <displayName>AD Group Membership</displayName>

But if I import a user, and then want to get the account details, it shows a 500 error, and the log shows (I have removed some information from the DN):

  *   WARN (com.evolveum.midpoint.provisioning.impl.ShadowCache): The entitlement identified by PCV(null):[PP({.../common/common-3}name):[PPV(ItemName:AccountObjectClass)], RAC(identifiers):[PCV(null):[RA({.../resource/instance-3}dn):[PPV(String:CN=Product Management,OU=Security Groups,DC=,DC=,DC=)]]]] referenced from shadow:null(null) violates the schema. Skipping. Original error: No secondary identifier defined, cannot search-{}
  *   ERROR (com.evolveum.midpoint.gui.impl.factory.ShadowAssociationWrapperFactoryImpl): Couldn't create container for associations. java.lang.NullPointerException: null
  *   ERROR (com.evolveum.midpoint.web.security.LoggingRequestCycleListener): Error occurred during page rendering. java.lang.NullPointerException: null
  *   WARN (com.evolveum.midpoint.web.page.error.PageError): Creating error page for code java.lang.NullPointerException, exception null: {} java.lang.NullPointerException: null

Hope you can help me, thanks in advance

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