[midPoint] My engagement in midPoint development

Chris Woods chris at cmwoods.com
Tue Jun 18 10:22:08 CEST 2019

Hi Martin,

I had exactly the same feeling :-) I wish Katka and Pavol all the best 
in their new roles.


On 2019-06-17 18:33, Martin Lízner - AMI Praha a.s. wrote:
> I might have got heartattack, first thinking this is good-bye letter
> and you are leaving the project. What a relief to finish reading with
> you staying in Evolveum! Good luck in management, hopefully you will
> find it boring and return to the roots one day :-) I will miss your
> pirate stories and briliant coding, but Im glad you leave dev in good
> hands of Katka and Pavol. M.
> chief solution architect
> gsm: [+420] 737 745 571
> e‑mail: martin.lizner at ami.cz
> Pláničkova 11, 162 00 Praha 6
> tel.: [+420] 274 783 239 | web: www.ami.cz [2]
> Textem tohoto e‑mailu podepisující neslibuje uzavřít ani
> neuzavírá za společnost AMI Praha a.s.
> jakoukoliv smlouvu. Každá smlouva, pokud bude uzavřena, musí mít
> výhradně písemnou formu.
> Tento e‑mail je určen výhradně pro potřeby jeho adresáta/ů a
> může obsahovat důvěrné nebo osobní
> informace. Nejste‑li zamýšleným příjemcem, je zakázáno
> jakékoliv zveřejňování, zprostředkování
> nebo jiné použití těchto informací. Pokud jste obdrželi e‑mail
> neoprávněně, informujte o tom prosím
> odesílatele a vymažte neprodleně všechny kopie tohoto e‑mailu
> včetně všech jeho příloh. Nakládáním
> s neoprávněně získanými informacemi se vystavujete riziku
> právního postihu.
> po 17. 6. 2019 v 14:51 odesílatel Radovan Semancik
> <radovan.semancik at evolveum.com> napsal:
>> Dear midPoint community,
>> MidPoint project started eight years ago. The first code of midPoint
>> project was committed in May 2011. MidPoint team started small, but
>> we
>> were working hard all the time. Now, eight years later, we have a
>> very
>> unique product. MidPoint is an open source system for identity
>> management, governance, there are compliance and data protection
>> features and we have quite ambitious plans for the future. Evolveum
>> is
>> still relatively small, but stable company. The business is going
>> well
>> and 2018 was the best year in Evolveum history.
>> First of all I would like to thank you all. Even though majority of
>> midPoint code is developed by the Evolveum team, midPoint is a
>> result of
>> cooperation of the entire midPoint community. MidPoint wouldn't be
>> what
>> it is without you. Your code contributions, ideas, feedback,
>> translation, testing effort and all other kinds of contributions are
>> crucial for success of midPoint. Thank you!
>> We are all very happy how successful midPoint is. However, this
>> success
>> is based on a hard and persistent work. This work is not always just
>> about the technology. There is a significant effort that Evolveum
>> has to
>> invest in non-technological tasks, such as planning, work
>> coordination,
>> communication with customers and even ordinary routine tasks of
>> running
>> a business. Evolveum grows every year, both in terms of amount of
>> business and the number of employees.
>> Since the beginning of Evolveum I was in charge of midPoint
>> development
>> in a role of software architect. I was enjoying that job immensely -
>> and
>> I still am. I'm completely dedicated to software engineering.
>> However,
>> as Evolveum founder and co-owner, I have to assume responsibilities
>> for
>> the entire company, not just the development of midPoint. I will
>> have to
>> dedicate much more time to leadership of the company. I'm quite sure
>> some of you have noticed that I'm less active in day-to-day midPoint
>> development. The reason for this is that my leadership-related tasks
>> are
>> taking more and more time. Therefore I have to re-prioritize my
>> work. I
>> will keep an oversight of midPoint architecture and development.
>> However, my time as a hands-on midPoint developer will be very
>> limited.
>> I would like to use this opportunity to also announce some changes
>> in
>> midPoint development team. Two members of the development team are
>> "promoted" to be in charge of midPoint architecture and development:
>> Katka Valalikova and Pavol Mederly. Both of them will take
>> significant
>> part of my responsibilities. Katka will focus on the management and
>> organizational part of the development, while Pavol will focus on
>> software architecture of midPoint. But both of them are equal in
>> their
>> responsibilities. Both of them are crucial part of the development
>> team
>> from the early days. And I have no doubts that they will excel in
>> their
>> new role in the development team. Also, we will be gradually
>> expanding
>> the team with new developers to maintain our development capacity.
>> This is both an exciting and a little sad moment for me. It is
>> exciting
>> because midPoint is great, Evolveum is successful and I see that my
>> closer involvement in company leadership is the right thing to do.
>> However, it is also a sad moment. I love software development. But a
>> very little time will remain for me to get my hands dirty.
>> Nevertheless,
>> my choices are quite clear. I have to do what needs to be done. For
>> the
>> best of us all.
>> --
>> Radovan Semancik
>> Software Architect
>> evolveum.com [1]
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> [1] http://evolveum.com
> [2] http://www.ami.cz
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