[midPoint] 3.7 to 3.8 migration ninja malfunction

Oskar Butovič - AMI Praha a.s. oskar.butovic at ami.cz
Thu Jun 6 16:30:16 CEST 2019

Hello everybody!

we have a slight issue in the migration from midPoint version 3.7 to 3.9.

We have exported data from the database using ninja tool but some users and
roles and maybe other objects are missing in the export.

We are using PostgreSQL database and ninja tool from 3.7.2 distribution.
Executed command is:  java -Xmx6g -jar /opt/midpoint/scripts/ninja3.7.2.jar
-m /opt/midpoint -v export -r -z -O /opt/midpoint/backup3.7.zip -l 1

We have tested it with oracle java 1.8 and even OpenJDK but results are the
same. Even the same users and roles are missing from the exports. Even when
we use for example the -t user switch the same users are again missing from
the exports.

I have an idea that we might try to export the objects using midPoint GUI
from the repository browser. Is this viable workaround? Any other ideas?

Best Regards
Oskar Butovič

*Oskar Butovič*
solution architect

gsm: [+420] 774 480 101
e‑mail: oskar.butovic at ami.cz

*AMI Praha a.s.*
Pláničkova 11, 162 00 Praha 6

tel.: [+420] 274 783 239 | web: www.ami.cz

[image: AMI Praha a.s.]

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