[midPoint] Help with inbound authoritative mapping that creates assignment, assignments are created but not removed

Alcides Carlos de Moraes Neto alcides.neto at gmail.com
Wed Jan 16 23:22:04 CET 2019

Hello list,

We have a resource here that uses a custom connector, developed inhouse.
It's been working fine.

However, we need now to have an inbound mapping from a multivalued field of
the user account to create assignments in midpoint user. The assignments
are being created fine, however, when the value is removed, the assignment
is not removed.

The resource mapping that creates the assignment is marked as

There is this one thing: the connector still does not support liveSync, it
does not implement the sync method. We are detecting the changes through
reconciliation. Is this why the authoritative flag is not working? Or
should it work just the same?

Thank you for your help.
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