[midPoint] Assignment order

Martin Lízner - AMI Praha a.s. martin.lizner at ami.cz
Wed Jan 16 16:13:34 CET 2019

Hi, hard to say any details since you havent provided Object Template and
meta role code... but my guess would be to rely on assignment rather than
parentOrgRef. M.

*Martin Lízner*
chief solution architect

gsm: [+420] 737 745 571
e‑mail: martin.lizner at ami.cz

*AMI Praha a.s.*
Pláničkova 11, 162 00 Praha 6

tel.: [+420] 274 783 239 | web: www.ami.cz

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st 16. 1. 2019 v 13:34 odesílatel Wojciech Staszewski <
wojciech.staszewski at diagnostyka.pl> napsal:

> Hi!
> I have a problem with Orgs and metaroles.
> My midPoint Org structure is synced with HR system.
> To simplify:
> This structure is calculated by the Org Template during import.
> The same template assign an "AD ORG Metarole" to the imported Org, that
> creates Active Directory "OU" object that should have the same structure.
> If I assign this metarole manually to already existing Org unit, the
> structure in AD is calculated correctly and "OU" object is created in a
> right place.
> But when importing new Org from HR, the AD "OU" Object is created in "TOP"
> ("TOP" -> "City").
> It seems like ParentOrgRef in midPoint is assigned AFTER the "AD Org
> Metarole",
> so the "AD Org Metarole" knows nothing about parent orgs and creates it in
> the root position.
> Any ideas how to fix it?
> Thanks!
> WS
> --
> Wojciech Staszewski
> Administrator Systemów Sieciowych
> www.diagnostyka.pl
> Diagnostyka Sp. z o. o.
> ul. Prof. M. Życzkowskiego 16, 31-864 Kraków
> Numer KRS: 0000381559 (Sąd Rejonowy dla Krakowa-Śródmieścia w Krakowie, XI
> Wydział Gospodarczy KRS)
> NIP: 675-12-65-009; REGON: 356366975
> Kapitał zakładowy: 33 756 500 zł.
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