[midPoint] Finding disputed accounts

Andrew Morgan morgan at oregonstate.edu
Tue Sep 25 19:15:02 CEST 2018

I ran a reconciliation on all 3 of our resources.  On the Progress tab, 
under States of processed objects (after operation), I have a small number 
of Disputed objects.

How can I find the accounts that are disputed?  I grepped the midpoint.log 
and audit.log files for "disputed", but there were no matches.  The task 
in the UI doesn't seem to list them.

I can't look at the Accounts tab in the resource because there are too 
many accounts.  When I click on Accounts, it spins for 10 minutes and then 
midpoint is locked up.  The database query is:

| 15418 | midpoint    | midpoint1.iam.oregonstate.edu:34512 | midpoint | Execute |  823 | Sending data             | select count(rshadow0_.oid) as col_0_0_ from m_shadow rshadow0_ inner join m_object rshadow0_1_ on rshadow0_.oid=rshadow0_1_.oid where rshadow0_.resourceRef_targetOid=? and (rshadow0_.resourceRef_relation in (? , ?)) and rshadow0_.kind=? and rshadow0_.intent=? |    0.000 |

After a while, my LiveSync tasks are suspended because they are unable to 
obtain a lock:

Caused by: org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.util.dao.QueryException: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction
Query is: select oid from m_object where oid = ? for update, parameters ['13c92bff-1c2c-49e4-8c85-1ab4f2aa6cd0']

So...  I have a couple issues here.  :)


Andy Morgan
Systems Administrator, Identity & Access Management
Information Services | Oregon State University
541-737-8877 | is.oregonstate.edu

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