[midPoint] LDAP connector integer data type

Radovan Semancik radovan.semancik at evolveum.com
Wed May 23 10:06:46 CEST 2018


Yes, this is likely a connector bug. But there may be consequences to 
fixing this bug. In fact, ConnId framework defines the type as Java 
classes. So we has to switch from Integer to BigInteger. However, 
support for BigInteger (and xsd:integer) in ConnId and midPoint is not 
well tested. It should theoretically work, but it is likely to uncover 
other bugs. And we will need to introduce new automated tests in out 
test suite. We could (and would) fix it, of course. But the fix needs to 
be "backed" by midPoint subscription.

Radovan Semancik
Software Architect

On 05/23/2018 07:41 AM, Andrew Morgan wrote:
> I am configuring the outbound mapping for my LDAP resource (ODSEE). 
> Our user unique identifier is an attribute named "osuUID", and the 
> values are 11-digit numbers.  For example, my osuUID is 78013514100.  
> The syntax of the osuUID attribute is 
> (INTEGER). According to RFC 4517, "A value of the Integer syntax is a 
> whole number of unlimited magnitude."
> The LDAP connector generates a schema for this attribute and gives it 
> a type of "xsd:int".  This appears to correspond to the Java type 
> "int", which is a 32-bit signed integer (range from -2^31 to 2^31-1).
> I have stored our user unique identifer in the $user/name attribute of 
> the midpoint user.  When I attempt to add an account in this resource 
> for my user, the osuUID attribute is set to 704102772.  I assume this 
> is some rollover value when converting to int.
> This seems like a bug in the LDAP connector mapping from attribute 
> syntax to Java data type.  The value needs to be unbounded.  Is 
> "xsd:integer" possible?
> Thanks,
> Andy Morgan
> Systems Administrator, Identity & Access Management
> Information Services | Oregon State University
> 541-737-8877 | is.oregonstate.edu
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