[midPoint] General Notifier Script Conditions

Brad Firestone bhotrock at gmail.com
Fri Jul 27 00:36:14 CEST 2018

Hi All,

I am using a Approval Workflow when a midPoint User is deleted.  I want 
to use a general notifier to send an email into our ticket system.  I've 
got it somewhat working, but trying to customize the messages based on 
the possible events/status that might occur.  I'm NOT a programmer, so 
just trying to get the working by trial and error.  There will be more 
changes to my subject and body text once I can figure out the correct 
conditional syntax.

Here is my subjectExpression section:
                     tmpObject = 'midPoint Approval '
                     if (event.isSuccess())
                         tmpText =  tmpObject + event?.getChangeType() + 
" pending"
                     else if (event.isFailure())
                         tmpText = tmpObject + "Rejected "
                     else  tmpText = "[IDM] Operation Cancelled: " + 
tmpObject + event?.getChangeType() + " Cancelled"
                     return tmpText

I receive the following subject text based on where in the process we are:
Request to Delete a User:  midPoint Approval ADD pending
Reject the Request:  midPoint Approval Rejected
Approve the Request:  midPoint Approval DELETE pending
Cancel the Request:  [IDM] Operation Cancelled: midPoint Approval DELETE 

So it appears that both the Request to Delete, and an Approval to Delete 
are (event.isSuccess) but of a different event?.getChangeType.

I am trying to figure more out using the bodyExperssion section.  I 
would like to have something like the following:

                 if ((event.isSuccess()) && 
(event?.getChangeType() == 'ADD'))
                   tmpBody =  "An approval process has started.  Please 
login to midPoint and look for available Work Items."
                else if ((event.isSuccess()) && 
(event?.getChangeType() == 'DELETE'))
                   tmpBody =  "An approval process was completed: APPROVED"
                else if (event.isFailure())
                   tmpBody =  "The approval was rejected."
                else  tmpBody = "The approval process was terminated."
                return tmpBody

My conditions apparently aren't correct, because I get the following 
body text when I request the deletion:  The approval process was 
If anyone has ideas of how to change my conditions, that would be great!
Thank you!

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