[midPoint] Mapping Org to Active Directory Groups

Ian Chen ianchen.op at gmail.com
Thu Jul 26 08:43:16 CEST 2018

Hi Oskar,

I just find how to do this. Thanks for you help!
I post it here, in case anyone needed them. And they are much simpler them
I thought.

There is 3 inducement needed. This role is assigned to both Org and User.

1) map Org to AD group, which work before
   <inducement id="1">
          <resourceRef oid="AD-connector-resource"

2) map Org assignment to AD group membership
   <inducement id="2">
          <resourceRef oid="AD-connector-resource"
                  <associationFromLink xmlns:xsi="


3) map User Accounts to AD Org group

   <inducement id="3">
          <resourceRef oid="AD-connector-resource"
                  <associationFromLink xmlns:xsi="


On Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 2:05 PM, Ian Chen <ianchen.op at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Oskar,
> The first inducement works fine, group gets created in AD for those Org
> with Role assigned. Thanks!
> But second inducement has no effect, and looks like putting a Account to
> Org group.
> I'm trying to map Org to AD group, which should result in groups in groups.
> In my understanding Org relationship in midpoint is child to parent (child
> Org assigned to parent Org), while in AD group membership is parent to
> child (parent group has member attribute holding child group dn).
> It looks only Association provide this object to subject mapping. But I
> cannot find document or previous discussion over this beside the blog page.
> On Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 10:46 PM, Oskar Butovič - AMI Praha a.s. <
> oskar.butovic at ami.cz> wrote:
>> Hi Ian.
>> I suggest you use type generic instead of entitlement. (don't know why.
>> It just started working)
>> I don't think that association will work in this case. You probably
>> should try construction of the DN attribute. like this:
>> <inducement>
>>          <construction>
>>             <resourceRef oid="AD-connector-resource"
>> type="c:ResourceType"/>
>>             <kind>generic</kind>
>>             <intent>organization</intent>
>>          </construction>
>>       </inducement>
>>       <inducement>
>>       <construction>
>>          <resourceRef oid="AD-connector-resource" type="c:ResourceType"/>
>>          <kind>account</kind>
>>          <intent>default</intent>
>>          <attribute>
>>             <c:ref>ri:dn</c:ref>
>>             <outbound>
>>                <strength>strong</strength>
>>                <source>
>>                        <c:path>$immediateRole/extension/ADpath</c:path>
>>                    </source>
>>                    <source>
>>                   <c:path>$focus/extension/uniqueFullName</c:path>
>>                </source>
>>                <expression>
>>                   <script>
>>                   <code>
>>                   import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
>>                         import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._
>> public.common.common_3.OrgType;
>>                         import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exc
>> eption.ObjectNotFoundException;
>>         result = null;
>>         defaultOu = "$(ADresource.defaultOuForUsers)"
>>         defaultOu += ",$(ADresource.baseContext)";
>>         defaultOu = 'CN=' + uniqueFullName + ',' + defaultOu;
>>         if(ADpath != null){
>>         result = 'CN=' + uniqueFullName + ',' + ADpath;
>>         }else{
>>         result = defaultOu;
>>         }
>>         log.info("org is putting user " + uniqueFullName + " into AD
>> with DN: " + result);
>>         return result;
>>                   </code>
>>                   </script>
>>                </expression>
>>             </outbound>
>>          </attribute>
>>       </construction>
>>       <order>2</order>
>>       <focusType>UserType</focusType>
>>   </inducement>
>> 2018-07-25 12:34 GMT+02:00 Ian Chen <ianchen.op at gmail.com>:
>>> Hi Oskar,
>>> Thanks for your reply. After many month, I get to work on this again.
>>> I tried, the following will map a midpoint user's AD account to an AD
>>> group.
>>> <inducement>
>>>       <construction>
>>>          <resourceRef oid="AD-resource"
>>>                       relation="org:default"
>>>                       type="c:ResourceType"></resourceRef>
>>>          <kind>account</kind>
>>>          <intent>default</intent>
>>> I'm trying to map ORG to AD groups with parents/member correctly set as
>>> in https://evolveum.com/blog/practical-organization-structure-i
>>> n-active-directory/
>>>       <objectType>
>>>          <kind>entitlement</kind>
>>>          <intent>ou</intent>
>>>          <default>false</default>
>>>          <objectClass>ri:group</objectClass>
>>>          <attribute>
>>> ...
>>>         </attribute>
>>>          <association>
>>>             <c:ref>ri:group</c:ref>
>>>             <displayName>OU Group</displayName>
>>>             <tolerant>true</tolerant>
>>>             <exclusiveStrong>true</exclusiveStrong>
>>>             <kind>entitlement</kind>
>>>             <intent>ou</intent>
>>>             <direction>objectToSubject</direction>
>>>             <associationAttribute>ri:member</associationAttribute>
>>>             <valueAttribute>ri:dn</valueAttribute>
>>>             <shortcutAssociationAttribute>ri:memberOf</shortcutAssociati
>>> onAttribute>
>>>             <shortcutValueAttribute>ri:dn</shortcutValueAttribute>
>>>             <explicitReferentialIntegrity>false</explicitReferentialInte
>>> grity>
>>>          </association>
>>>       </objectType>
>>>    <inducement id="1">
>>>       <construction>
>>>          <resourceRef oid="OID"
>>>                       relation="org:default"
>>>                       type="c:ResourceType"></resourceRef>
>>>          <kind>entitlement</kind>
>>>          <intent>ou</intent>
>>>          <association>
>>>             <c:ref>ri:group</c:ref>
>>>             <outbound>
>>>                <strength>strong</strength>
>>>                <expression>
>>>                   <associationFromLink xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2
>>> 001/XMLSchema-instance"
>>>                                        xsi:type="c:AssociationFromLin
>>> kExpressionEvaluatorType">
>>>                      <projectionDiscriminator>
>>>                         <kind>entitlement</kind>
>>>                         <intent>ou</intent>
>>>                      </projectionDiscriminator>
>>>                   </associationFromLink>
>>>                </expression>
>>>             </outbound>
>>>          </association>
>>>       </construction>
>>>    </inducement>
>>> Assigning this role on a ORG:
>>> could not extract ResultSet
>>> Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: You have an error in your SQL syntax;
>>> check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the
>>> right syntax to use near ')) and rshadow0_.resourceRef_targetOid='OID'
>>> an' at line 1 Query is: select count(rshadow0_.oid) as col_0_0_ from
>>> m_shadow rshadow0_ inner join m_object rshadow0_1_ on
>>> rshadow0_.oid=rshadow0_1_.oid where (rshadow0_.oid in ()) and
>>> rshadow0_.resourceRef_targetOid=? and (rshadow0_.resourceRef_relation
>>> in (? , ?)) and rshadow0_.kind=? and rshadow0_.intent=?, parameters
>>> ['OID','#','http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/commo
>>> n/org-3#default',1,'ou']
>>> Induce this role on a ORG:
>>> No error, but no group created
>>> On Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 5:30 PM, Oskar Butovič - AMI Praha a.s. <
>>> oskar.butovic at ami.cz> wrote:
>>>> something like this inside your schema handling in your active
>>>> directory resource could do the trick.
>>>> <objectType>
>>>>          <kind>entitlement</kind>
>>>>          <intent>group</intent>
>>>>          <displayName>AD Group</displayName>
>>>>          <default>true</default>
>>>>          <objectClass>ri:group</objectClass>
>>>> ...
>>>> ...
>>>>         <association>
>>>>             <c:ref>ri:group</c:ref>
>>>>             <displayName>AD Group Membership</displayName>
>>>>             <kind>entitlement</kind>
>>>>             <intent>group</intent>
>>>>             <direction>objectToSubject</direction>
>>>>             <associationAttribute>ri:member</associationAttribute>
>>>>             <valueAttribute>ri:dn</valueAttribute>
>>>>             <shortcutAssociationAttribute>
>>>> ri:memberOf</shortcutAssociationAttribute>
>>>>             <shortcutValueAttribute>ri:dn</shortcutValueAttribute>
>>>>             <explicitReferentialIntegrity>
>>>> false</explicitReferentialIntegrity>
>>>>          </association>
>>>> ...
>>>> ...
>>>> </objectType>
>>>> next thing you need is inducement on meta-role like:
>>>> <inducement>
>>>>       <construction>
>>>>          <resourceRef oid="AD-resource"
>>>>                       relation="org:default"
>>>>                       type="c:ResourceType"></resourceRef>
>>>>          <kind>account</kind>
>>>>          <intent>default</intent>
>>>>          <association>
>>>>             <c:ref>ri:group</c:ref>
>>>>             <outbound>
>>>>                <strength>strong</strength>
>>>>                <expression>
>>>>                   <associationFromLink xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2
>>>> 001/XMLSchema-instance"
>>>>                                        xsi:type="c:AssociationFromLi
>>>> nkExpressionEvaluatorType">
>>>>                      <projectionDiscriminator>
>>>>                         <kind>entitlement</kind>
>>>>                         <intent>group</intent>
>>>>                      </projectionDiscriminator>
>>>>                   </associationFromLink>
>>>>                </expression>
>>>>             </outbound>
>>>>          </association>
>>>>       </construction>
>>>>       <order>2</order>
>>>>    </inducement>
>>>> for further info look at the link to wiki I sent you.
>>>> Best Regards
>>>> Oskar Butovič
>>>> 2017-10-31 7:55 GMT+01:00 Ian Chen <ianchen.op at gmail.com>:
>>>>> Hi Oskar,
>>>>> I mapped all org to Entitlement as AD groups.
>>>>> But I cannot find how to map parent org of assignment, could you share
>>>>> some details?
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Ian
>>>>> On Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 6:33 PM, Oskar Butovič - AMI Praha a.s. <
>>>>> oskar.butovic at ami.cz> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Chen,
>>>>>> I suggest mapping this as an association. https://wiki.evol
>>>>>> veum.com/display/midPoint/Entitlements#Entitlements-Associat
>>>>>> ionDefinitionExamples . Association can handle both direction of
>>>>>> membership (members in group or groups in user). So for example if you
>>>>>> assign parrent org to user or other org midpoint also modifies
>>>>>> group represented by parrent org. Hope it makes sense. :-)
>>>>>> Association works with assignments. If properly assigned child
>>>>>> orgs should have parrent org in one of assignments and also in
>>>>>> parrentOrgRef element.
>>>>>> Best Regards
>>>>>> Oskar Butovič
>>>>>> 2017-10-25 12:23 GMT+02:00 Ian Chen <ianchen.op at gmail.com>:
>>>>>>> Hi List,
>>>>>>> I'm new here are trying to solve mapping Org to AD groups as
>>>>>>> https://evolveum.com/blog/practical-organization-structure-i
>>>>>>> n-active-directory/. I'm stuck at setting member for group.
>>>>>>> It seems AD group can only have member (children), while in midpoint
>>>>>>> Org is assigned upwards (parent). As I cannot find children Org in outbound
>>>>>>> mapping, I added an extension attribute to hold parentID of parent Org. My
>>>>>>> plan is when outbound mapping, searching for any Org with parentID set to
>>>>>>> current Org ID, but I cannot find how. Please help!
>>>>>>> Also if there is better/simpler method to do this, please let me
>>>>>>> know.
>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>> Ian
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>>>>>> Oskar Butovič
>>>>>> solution architect
>>>>>> gsm: [+420] 774 480 101 <+420%20774%20480%20101>
>>>>>> e-mail: oskar.butovic at ami.cz
>>>>>> AMI Praha a.s.
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>>>>>> tel.: [+420] 274 783 239 <+420%20274%20783%20239>
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>>>> Oskar Butovič
>>>> solution architect
>>>> gsm: [+420] 774 480 101
>>>> e-mail: oskar.butovic at ami.cz
>>>> AMI Praha a.s.
>>>> Pláničkova 11
>>>> 162 00 Praha 6
>>>> tel.: [+420] 274 783 239
>>>> web: www.ami.cz
>>>> [image: AMI Praha a.s.]
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>> --
>> Oskar Butovič
>> solution architect
>> gsm: [+420] 774 480 101
>> e-mail: oskar.butovic at ami.cz
>> AMI Praha a.s.
>> Pláničkova 11
>> 162 00 Praha 6
>> tel.: [+420] 274 783 239
>> web: www.ami.cz
>> [image: AMI Praha a.s.]
>> [image: AMI Praha a.s.]
>> <http://www.ami.cz/reseni-a-sluzby/bezpecnost-dat/identity-management>
>> Textem tohoto e-mailu podepisující neslibuje uzavřít ani neuzavírá za
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>> jakoukoliv smlouvu. Každá smlouva, pokud bude uzavřena, musí mít výhradně
>> písemnou formu.
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