[midPoint] SSL Questions

Wojciech Staszewski wojciech.staszewski at diagnostyka.pl
Mon Feb 19 18:50:21 CET 2018


I've been told on the midPoint training, that the recommended way to run
midPoint over https is setting Apache as a reverse proxy.
Personally I use Tomcat with jsvc for midPoint and this setup allows me
to configure https on 443 port, also using plaintext certificate bundle.
I've not tried the standalone midPoint yet.

W dniu 19.02.2018 o 16:15, Sean R Penndorf pisze:
> Hi Community,
> Is it possible to change the default keystore type from JCEKS to
> PKCS12 without breaking Midpoint?
> I have Midpoint 3.7 installed as Standalone (no Tomcat).  What port is
> used when connecting via SSL/TLS?  (e.g. Https://localhost:?????/midpoint)
> Using Firefox, I'm getting this error after adding my cert.
> "An error occurred during a connection to SSL
> received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length. Error
> Anyone encountered that and figured out a fix?
> Thanks!!!!
> ------------------
> *Sean Penndorf*
> SaaS Operational Services (SOS) - ID Management
> IBM Cloud
> srpenn at us.ibm.com
> Office: 248-552-4791   TL  623-9966
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Wojciech Staszewski
Administrator Systemów Sieciowych
tel. kom: 663 680 236
Diagnostyka Sp. z o. o.
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Numer KRS: 0000381559 (Sąd Rejonowy dla Krakowa-Śródmieścia w Krakowie, XI Wydział Gospodarczy KRS)
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