[midPoint] Upgrade from 3.6 to 3.7 (standalone) leaves ownerref empty on tasks, can't start midPoint
Ramón Cahenzli
ramon.cahenzli at zhdk.ch
Thu Feb 8 12:52:47 CET 2018
Hi Pavol,
You were right, there is a user called "Administrator" created in
December, probably imported from Active Directory. I see it in the
export, but I can't delete it because it seems the Ninja tool only
supports the import, export and keys commands here (it just spits out
the help text if I try to use the delete command).
Do I need a newer/separate ninja.jar than the one included with
midPoint 3.7? I think once I can delete the user, everything will be
fine from then on.
Cheers and thanks,
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste
Zurich University of the Arts
Ramón Cahenzli, MSc.
IT Architect
Pfingstweidstrasse 96, Postfach, 8031 Zürich
Tel. +41 43 446 31 63, Fax +41 43 446 45 21
ramon.cahenzli at zhdk.ch
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