[midPoint] Notification body expressions

Pavol Mederly mederly at evolveum.com
Fri Sep 22 12:42:53 CEST 2017

Hello Alex,

the body is generated by SimpleFocalObjectNotifier.getBody method. This 
method is not meant to be callable from user code; however, as I look 
now on it, it seems that nothing would preclude it. So you just have to 
get a reference to SimpleFocalObjectNotifier (it's a spring component), 
and try to invoke its getBody method.

As I mentioned today, notifications would deserve a bit polishing. This 
particular thing (reuse of existing notifiers) is in my head for a long 
time. But it's really a question of priorities (time), nothing more.

Best regards,

Pavol Mederly
Software developer

On 20.09.2017 21:29, Doler, Alexander Earl (LATCO - Buenos Aires) wrote:
> Hello,
> I am working with email notifications. I was wondering if there is a 
> way to insert the default message text that is sent when a 
> notification is enabled into HTML – in other words, access the default 
> text via an expression? For most notification cases, I am creating 
> custom notifications within an HTML template fine, but in certain 
> cases , I would like to use the default text and still have this text 
> within the HTML template. However, when custom body text is specified 
> using <bodyExpression>, the default text is lost. Is there a way to 
> access this default text from a script inside the bodyExpression?
> Thanks,
> Alex
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