[midPoint] Publish SOAP/REST web services from Midpoint

Radovan Semancik radovan.semancik at evolveum.com
Thu Oct 5 09:50:00 CEST 2017


Yes, there is quite a simple way to create custom SOAP service in 
midPoint. Well, it is simple if you are familiar with JAX-WS (and Apache 
CXF and Spring in particular). There is even an example Maven project 
for that:


The principle is quite simple: you just need to include JAX-WS-annotated 
Java class representing your SOAP service in midPoint WAR. And then you 
need to set up the service from your custom Spring context XML file. You 
will find both in the example project (see 
midpoint-custom-service-server component). And the best way to bundle it 
into midPoint WAR is to use Maven overlay (see 
midpoint-custom-service-overlay component). The use of overlay projects 
is documented here:


There may be similar method to also publish REST services using JAX-RS, 
but we have not tried it yet. Everybody seems to be happy with out stock 
REST service:


Radovan Semancik
Software Architect

On 10/04/2017 10:35 PM, Santiago Benavidez wrote:
> Hi all,
> As far as I'm concerned there's a connector "REST Connector 
> Superclass" to invoke web services, but let's supposed we need to 
> publish some methods for external applications to retrieve some 
> Midpoint data, is it possible to create some custom SOAP/REST web 
> services from any connector? Or is it there any other way to achieve this?
> I know that the Midpoint API is available but I need to create some 
> custom web services with custom responses.
> Thanks in advanced,
> *Ing. Santiago R. Benavídez*
>  Identicum S.A.
> /Jorge Newbery 3226, Argentina
> Tel: +54 (11) //4552.3050 (int. 107)/
> /sbenavidez at identicum.com <mailto:sbenavidez at identicum.com>/
> www.identicum.com <http://www.identicum.com/>
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