[midPoint] Import Users from Active Directory ressources

Tommy Montegu tommy.montegu at exodata.fr
Fri Mar 17 12:49:47 CET 2017

Hello Ivan,

Thank you for consider my request.

I delete all tasks of importing and synchronize tasks.

I join my ressource configuration file to see how it’s configured.

I use the wizard to configure, I enter the IP address of AD server, with the 
LDAP port.

Then I configure my bind DN and the password.

Thanks to help me to synchronize my user from AD to midpoint.

Best regards

Tommy Montégu   Technicien Support, Exodata


Standard :  <callto:02%2062%20977%20955> 02 62 977 955

Email :  <mailto:tommy.montegu at exodata.fr> tommy.montegu at exodata.fr

Website : 

Adresse : 4, rue Émile Hugot - 97490 Sainte-Clotilde


De : midPoint [mailto:midpoint-bounces at lists.evolveum.com] De la part de 
Ivan Noris
Envoyé : vendredi 17 mars 2017 15:19
À : midPoint General Discussion <midpoint at lists.evolveum.com>
Objet : Re: [midPoint] Import Users from Active Directory ressources

Hello Tommy,

this can be a million of things (well almost).

Is the resource configured correctly? Is there synchronization configuration 
with correct situations and reactions? Are there inbound mappings? (Have you 
used some of our samples? Which one?)

What task have you created? LiveSync? Import? Reconciliation?

How do you assume the task "works well"? Is there any progress?

Are there any errors in idm.log?




From: "Tommy Montegu" < <mailto:tommy.montegu at exodata.fr> 
tommy.montegu at exodata.fr>
To:  <mailto:midpoint at lists.evolveum.com> midpoint at lists.evolveum.com
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 12:55:42 PM
Subject: [midPoint] Import Users from Active Directory ressources


I have configured a Active Directory Ressource.

I want to import users from my DC to midpoint. I try to synchronize users 
creating a task. My task works well, but nothing happen. When I took a look 
on Users page, there’s nothing except administrator.

Please, could someone help me to import and synchronize my user from my AD 
server to MidPoint ?

I would be grateful if someone can help me, starting with the beginning of 
the configuration.

Thanks a lot,

Best regards,

Tommy Montégu   Technicien Support, Exodata


Standard :  <callto:02%2062%20977%20955> 02 62 977 955

Email :  <mailto:tommy.montegu at exodata.fr> tommy.montegu at exodata.fr

Website : 

Adresse : 4, rue Émile Hugot - 97490 Sainte-Clotilde


midPoint mailing list
 <mailto:midPoint at lists.evolveum.com> midPoint at lists.evolveum.com


Ivan Noris
Senior Identity Engineer

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