[midPoint] Correlation query problem

Pavol Mederly mederly at evolveum.com
Mon Mar 13 13:26:27 CET 2017

Hello Brad,

normIgnoreCase is OK, because givenName and lastName are so called 
polystrings (polymorphic strings; they have original and normalized 
value). And these are to be compared using polyStringNorm, 
polyStringOrig, polyStringStrict, normIgnoreCase, origIgnoreCase, and 
strictIgnoreCase rules. (Just BTW, polyStringNorm comparison is already 
case-insensitive, so I'd suggest using it instead of normIgnoreCase. The 
latter is a bit of "hack". But nevertheless, it should work.)

Your query look right to me.

I would suggest you to enable logging: TRACE for 

And then have a look for entry containing:

SYNCHRONIZATION: CORRELATION: expression for results in filter

If needed, you could post it here, we'll try to help you with that.

Best regards,

Pavol Mederly
Software developer

On 13.03.2017 12:21, Brad Fardig wrote:
> Having some issues with a correlation query on a csv resource with 
> midpoint 3.4
> The issue is I’m not getting any linking with existing user records 
> i.e. all records read from the CSV file are unmatched.
> I need to do case insensitive string matching.  I’ve tried 
> stringIgnoreCase but receive an error. I’ve also set the 
> |http://prism.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/matching-rule-3| namespace as 
> mr  but receive an error for mr:stringIgnoreCase as well
> I’ve tried various selection from the known matching rules here: 
> https://wiki.evolveum.com/display/midPoint/Matching+Rules
> If anybody can provide any insight into what I’m not seeing/doing it 
> will be greatly appreciated.
> The query is:
> <correlation>
> <q:description>
> match on givenName == FirstName , familyName == LastName , DoB == _dob_
> </q:description>
> <q:and>
> <q:equal>
> <q:matching>|normIgnoreCase|</q:matching>
> <q:path>familyName</q:path>
> <c:expression>
> <c:path>$c:account/c:attributes/ri:LastName</c:path>
> </c:expression>
> </q:equal>
> <q:equal>
> <q:matching>|normIgnoreCase|</q:matching>
> <q:path>givenName</q:path>
> <c:expression>
> <c:path>$c:account/c:attributes/ri:FirstName</c:path>
> </c:expression>
> </q:equal>
> <q:equal>
> <q:path>extension/_dob_</q:path>
> <c:expression>
> <script>
> <language>http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/expression/language#Groovy</language>
> <code>
> DoB = basic.getAttributeValue(shadow, 
> 'http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/resource/instance-3', 'DoB')
>                              (d,m,y) = DoB?._tokenize_('/')
> _db_ = y + '-' + m + '-' + d
> log.error('The date of birth is {}', _db_)
> return _db_
> </code>
> </script>
> </c:expression>
> </q:equal>
> </q:and>
> </correlation>
> Regards
> Brad
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