[midPoint] Students bulk import

Pavol Mederly mederly at evolveum.com
Mon Jan 9 13:02:00 CET 2017

Hello Gustavo,

I'd suggest the way you mentioned: to "mount" the data as a midPoint 
resource, and run a (potentially multithreaded) import operation.

With temporarily turning off all unnecessary processing (like 

Alternatively, you could import the users into midPoint in raw mode 
(from XML, preferably in batches), and then recompute them in order for 
accounts to be created. But I would use this way only if the first one 
wouldn't work adequately.

Pavol Mederly
Software developer

On 06.01.2017 19:08, Gustavo J Gallardo wrote:
> Hi All,
> we need to import a massive amount of students (~3.5 million) into 
> midpoint, to be provisioned to LDAP and then Google Apps. Then we have 
> to add a multivalued attribute that will sync to LDAP.
> *Which is the recommended way to do this type of operations*, trying 
> to maximize speed?
> It can be some sort of manual process, and then have another type of 
> process for the deltas during the year.
> Initially we had scripts parsing a CSV file, calling the REST API.
> Now we have a couple of database tables with a resource, but we are 
> having performance issues and limitations (will ask on those in a 
> separate thread).
> Thanks,
> Gustavo
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