[midPoint] Logging to logstash, concise audit log

Pavol Mederly mederly at evolveum.com
Sat Feb 18 16:35:37 CET 2017

Hello Pertti,

I'll start from the end: the role being assigned is hidden in the delta, 
which is part of each audit entry record. See 
https://wiki.evolveum.com/display/midPoint/Auditing. It's not show in 
the default text-based logs (at INFO level), but present e.g. in audit 
records stored in repository or in text-based logs at DEBUG level.

As for your requirements: There are maybe two options other than using 
standard text or DB-based logs.

 1. Write your own logger by implementing interface AuditService
    It's not that hard, as you can see when you look at existing
 2. Or you can use a totally different mechanism: notifications. By
    default, they're text oriented, but you can write your own
    implementation; even in groovy, using either general notifier, or
    wholly custom notifier / custom transport
    (the latter two starting from midPoint 3.6, although a bit

I'd suggest maybe trying custom AuditService first.

Best regards,

Pavol Mederly
Software developer

On 17.02.2017 16:14, Pertti Kellomäki wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is anyone logging midPoint logs to logstash? We are required to 
> produce an audit log that is shipped off to a remote log server.  I 
> have experimented with filebeat so I have an idea how this works, but 
> any practical advice is much appreciated.
> The log should ideally be somewhat independent of midPoint, using user 
> names and role names instead of midPoint oid's. Turning on detailed 
> audit logging gives me those, but it also gives lots of information 
> that I don't really need. If there is some intermediate solution I 
> would love to hear about it.
> Maybe there is something I don't understand but the compact audit log 
> format seems to lack some information. For example if I give a user a 
> role, I see the requester and the user being given the role, but the 
> role being assigned does not seem to show up in the log entry.
> Pertti
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