[midPoint] Objects uploaded via REST API, everything between <code></code> mangled into single

Ivan Noris ivan.noris at evolveum.com
Fri Apr 21 10:07:46 CEST 2017

Hi Kari,

this is interesting, as I'm using midPoint 3.5.1 with Eclipse plugin
(which uses REST) and after uploading resource, I certainly see
multiline code in Repository pages... Maybe that's different operation...



On 04/20/2017 07:47 PM, Kari Heikkilä wrote:
> Hi,
> started to use midPoint REST API for updating objects I noticed that
> everything between <code></code> tags is reformatted into single line.
> This means multiline groovy scripts will become very difficult to read
> (for human) in midPoint and if semicolons are missing, groovy code
> execution will most probably fail.
> Used PUT method and .xml files with both nl and cr+lf line endings tried.
> Is there anything to prevent this behavior?
> Best regards,
> Kari
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Ivan Noris
Senior Identity Engineer

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