[midPoint] Conditional Synchronization - Getting MidPoint account attributes

mariano marron marron.mariano87 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 29 21:03:45 CEST 2016

Hi everyone! The issue I have is the following.

I have accounts in a resource that I want to link to existing users in
MidPoint based on a condition: if the user in MidPoint has a certain
"employeeType" value, I want the account in the resource to get linked to
that user. Otherwise, the user shouldn't be linked.
I understand that I can add the following code to the synchronization of
the resource:

*   <synchronization>      <objectSynchronization>
 <enabled>true</enabled>         <correlation>            <condition>
        <script>                  <code>
basic.getAttributeValue(account, 'name') == "xxxxxxx"
</code>                </script>            </condition>
<q:equal>               <q:path>c:name</q:path>               <expression>
                <c:path>declare namespace
$account/attributes/icfs:name</c:path>               </expression>
  </q:equal>         </correlation>*

But that "name" attribute, refeers to the name of the account in the
resource, not the one in MidPoint. Is there anyway I can refeer to the
MidPoint account and get the "employeeType" values to compare them to a
certain value, instead of using the resource account attributes for the

Thanks a lot!

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