[midPoint] Problem closing In remediation certification stage campaign

Aivo Kuhlberg aivo.kuhlberg at rmit.ee
Fri Sep 16 10:40:12 CEST 2016

I have created special user who should have access to manage all certification tasks. Unfortunately this user cannot close the certification stage campaign when the campaign is in state 'In remediation'.
I have assigned to user role which has following authorizations:

    <authorization  id="1">
    <authorization  id="2">
    <authorization id="3">

Notice that I have set 'closeCertificationCampaign' auth both for 'AccessCertificationDefinitionType' and 'AccessCertificationCampaignType' (wiki says<https://wiki.evolveum.com/display/midPoint/Access+Certification+Security> that this should be set only for 'AccessCertificationCampaignType').
In addition to these authorizations user has role 'Reviewer' assigned.
I have created certification definition and set remediation to 'Manual reconciliation (non-conformant items are reported)'.
After that I created new campaign, started it and closed the stage. Then I started the remediation. So far it works fine but when I want to close the campaing which is now in remediation stage I see following error:
User ''certmanager'' not authorized for operation http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/security/authorization-model-3#closeCertificationCampaign

Best Regards,

Aivo kuhlberg

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