[midPoint] DatabaseTable Multi-Value Fields

Carlos Ferreira carlos18619 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 8 00:46:59 CEST 2016


This is exactly the same behavior I've been seeing im my case.

First of all,

1. I'm using SCRIPTEDSQL connector and an ORACLE DB;
2. I've configured a multi-valued extension attribute - says 'roles' - to
receive the roles applied to an user;
3. Configured a metarole to deal with an association. Something like this:

   <inducement id="3">
         <resourceRef xmlns:tns="
                      type="tns:ResourceType"><!-- Localhost ScriptedSQL -
Oracle  --></resourceRef>

4. Made the necessary adjustments on the resource to cope with the
association. Like this:


As to help me understand what goes through the connector, I added some
lines in the beginning of 'UpdateScript.groovy' script:

def now = new Date()

def file1 = new File('/var/opt/midpoint/icf-connectors/oracle/update.log');
if (file1.exists()) {
file1 << "Update test" << "\n"
file1 << "Date = $now" << "\n"
file1 << "objectClass = ${objectClass}"<< "\n"
file1 << "action = $action" << "\n"
file1 << "attributes = ${attributes}" << "\n"
file1 << "options = $options" << "\n"
file1 << "uid = $uid" << "\n"

No matter if I update the current role applied to an user or add another
one (as the attribute is multivalued), the result comes like this:

Update test
Date = Fri Oct 07 19:28:07 BRT 2016
objectClass = __ACCOUNT__
action = UPDATE
attributes = [roles:[role1]]
options = [:]
uid = 161


Update test
Date = Fri Oct 07 19:29:07 BRT 2016
objectClass = __ACCOUNT__
action = UPDATE
attributes = [roles:[role2]]
options = [:]
uid = 161

when, in my opinion, it should be, for example,

Update test
Date = Fri Oct 07 19:29:07 BRT 2016
objectClass = __ACCOUNT__
action = UPDATE
attributes = [roles:[role1,role2]]
options = [:]
uid = 161

It seems as the connector treats the "roles" attribute as a single-valued

Carlos A. Ferreira
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