[midPoint] OpenLDAP resource unavailable even though Test Connection comes back green

Radovan Semancik radovan.semancik at evolveum.com
Tue May 24 12:34:45 CEST 2016


I have seen similar issue with TLS-enabled OpenLDAP. It looks like the 
default setting for TLS ciphers in OpenLDAP and some Java versions do 
not match. The problem is made worse by the notoriously bad error 
reporting and diagnostics in JCE. And honestly Apache Directory API is 
also not entirely perfect in this aspect. And that was also the reason 
for false "green" light the last time when I have experienced a similar 
behavior. Yet, according to your description this does not seem to be a 
TLS problem.

Anyway, there is nice way how to troubleshoot the LDAP connector by 
enabling the logging. I have just realized that it is not documented 
anywhere, so I have documented it just now: 

Therefore please enable the connector logging. It will give you more 
details. However I'm a bit afraid that the "operationsError:  (1)" 
suggests an error on the server side. You may need to enable logging on 
the OpenLDAP server to see what is the root cause. The OpenLDAP is 
indeed a great directory server. But it is not easy to manage it or to 
diagnose the issues. Sometimes you just have to guess. But let's see the 
LDAP request and response. Maybe it will contain some hint.

Radovan Semancik
Software Architect

On 05/24/2016 01:46 AM, Florin. Stingaciu wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm running into this strange issue where I defined a resource, an 
> OpenLDAP backend. I made sure to import the appropriate certificate 
> within the keystore. After importing the resource, I test the 
> connection and everything is green and good to go, however, if I try 
> to assign an account to a user on this resource I get the following error:
>     Could not create
>     object=cn=testGroup,ou=Groups,dc=mgmt,dc=example,dc=net on the
>     resource, because resource: OpenLDAP Accounts Schema
>     (OID:fd6c4614-3f1d-42c6-aec5-3d367ce04f40) is unreachable at the
>     moment. Shadow is stored in the repository and the resource object
>     will be created when the resource goes online
> The above error is taken from the GUI. In the logs, I have the following:
>      ICF Exception
>     org.identityconnectors.framework.common.exceptions.ConnectorIOException
>     in connector:5b12de31-8e0c-48ab-8e5b-199467c16eab(ICF
>     com.evolveum.polygon.connector.ldap.LdapConnector
>     v1.4.3.0-SNAPSHOT):
>     resource:fd6c4614-3f1d-42c6-aec5-3d367ce04f40(OpenLDAP Accounts
>     Schema): Error adding LDAP entry
>     cn=testGroup,ou=Groups,dc=mgmt,dc=example,dc=net:
>     operationsError:  (1)
> I've done this numerous times and never had this issue. I've tried 
> debuging it for the last two hours but I'm coming up empty handed. 
> Here's my connector config:
>      <icfc:configurationProperties
>     xmlns:gen36="http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/connector/icf-1/bundle/com.evolveum.polygon.connector-ldap/com.evolveum.polygon.connector.ldap.LdapConnector">
>              <gen36:host>example.symcpe.net
>     <http://example.symcpe.net></gen36:host>
>              <gen36:port>389</gen36:port>
>      <gen36:connectionSecurity>starttls</gen36:connectionSecurity>
>              <gen36:bindDn>cn=admin</gen36:bindDn>
>              <gen36:bindPassword>
>                 <t:encryptedData>
>                    <t:encryptionMethod>
>     <t:algorithm>http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#aes128-cbc</t:algorithm>
>                    </t:encryptionMethod>
>                    <t:keyInfo>
>     <t:keyName>hJhPsasaSRiv/SoyMVjnDmRq3PKNuwQ=</t:keyName>
>                    </t:keyInfo>
>                    <t:cipherData>
>      <t:cipherValue>ukt6JOfbox28PwIWwN4xnzg8/q8ZUHPlQyRm1IevYom6eaqUkzpxSiPKLxF6p4yO+v19fgegOwfqDxaXumzIQ==</t:cipherValue>
>                    </t:cipherData>
>                 </t:encryptedData>
>              </gen36:bindPassword>
>      <gen36:baseContext>dc=mgmt,dc=example,dc=net</gen36:baseContext>
>      <gen36:passwordHashAlgorithm>SSHA</gen36:passwordHashAlgorithm>
>      <gen36:pagingStrategy>auto</gen36:pagingStrategy>
>      <gen36:vlvSortAttribute>uid</gen36:vlvSortAttribute>
>      <gen36:vlvSortOrderingRule></gen36:vlvSortOrderingRule>
>      <gen36:uidAttribute>dn</gen36:uidAttribute>
>      <gen36:operationalAttributes>memberOf</gen36:operationalAttributes>
>           </icfc:configurationProperties>
>        </connectorConfiguration>
> Any help in debugging this issue would be greatly appreciated.  Oh 
> also, yes I do have write access to this ldap server :)
> Thanks,
> -F
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